Arthur van der Wees

Dr. Arthur van der Wees

Arthur's Legal

Arthur van der Wees, LLM studied and obtained his doctorate degree in computer, privacy, intellectual property rights and business law and human rights at Leiden University. He is founder and managing director of Arthur's Legal, an international strategic law firm with a global reach. Arthur is attorney at law, standardization expert, entrepreneur, strategist and frequent speaker worldwide and has in-depth experience and is well-connected in the world of digital, data, human-centric emerging technology, accountability, resilience & global business. Next to being founding member of the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI), where he is both Chair of the Policy Working Group, and Leader of both the Security in IoT and Privacy in IoT Ttaskforces. He is (co-)author of many publications about innovation, digital transformation, data, IoT, computing, security and privacy and trust, and European Commission's Cloud SLA Standardisation. He has contributed to several EU regulations in the Digital Age. Through CREATE-IoT, Arthur’s Legal is activity group leader on human-centric technology, trust, security, safety, privacy, legal and accountability topics in five EU large scale pilots on smart healthcare, cities, wearables, farming, food safety and autonomous vehicles. Furthermore he is advisory board member of several European projects in IoT, Security, Privacy, Ethics & Accountability. Arthur’s Legal is part of ETSI’s Special Taskforce 547 on Security and Privacy in IoT, amongst others member of ESCO, and of course consortium partner of CONCORDIA (Strategies, Legal, Ethics and Data Protection Officer).